Join the Alliance.

Start your journey today by completing the Program Overview eLearning Course to unlock a 1-semester free trial to test the full potential of Free Food Alert at your university.

Get Started

Start your University Onboarding Process

Complete the Program Overview
eLearning Course

First, start by watching some short, interactive videos in our eLearning course to learn more about our program.

Duration: 60 min

Submit the "Getting Started" Survey

After the eLearning course, you can complete the survey to kickstart your university's 1-semester free trial.

Duration: 30 min

Admin Training

After survey submission, our team will schedule an admin training during which you will learn about all the back-end features of Free Food Alert.

Duration: 60 min

Launch Marketing Initiatives

At the end of the admin training you will be ready to start marketing on campus & sending alerts!


Free Food Alerts
Trained Free Food Giveaway Hosts
Countries (United States & Canada)


Member Universities

Live Demo

See a live demonstration of Free Food Alert from our CEO & Founder, Noémie (Nemo) Keller, at the Odoo Experience Conference in Brussels, Belgium (October 4th, 2024).

Video starts at 2:05 minute timestamp.


As a university administrator, Free Food Alert enables you to access powerful features to track, quantify, and remediate food waste & hunger on campus.

Unlimited Alerts

Send out an unlimited number of email & mobile smartphone push notifications.

Multi-Campus Support

Set up as many campuses as you would like, in order to segment the locations for which free food alerts can be triggered.


Collect valuable statstics about subscribers signed up for the alerts, including anonymized food insecurity information.

Email Marketing

Craft emails to your subscribers, event hosts, and users that opt in for food insecurity messaging directly from Free Food Alert.


Create surveys that allow you to collect qualitative and quantitative feedback from subscribers and event hosts.

Membership Advantages

Stop Food Waste

Avoid food waste altogether by empowering your community to actively remediate food waste by connecting students, faculty, and staff directly to excess food at the end of campus events.

Tackle Food Insecurity

Enable community members to anonymously or directly self-identify as food insecure so that you can track key statistics and directly provide support to at-risk community members. 

Engage Your Community

Collect contact information about users who opt-in for further targeted messaging regarding other sustainability initiatives on campus.


Annual, 12-month, Free Food Alert Alliance Membership price depends on the enrollment number for your university.

  • Less than 2,000: $1,000
  • Up to 5,000: $1,500
  • Up to 10,000: $2,000
  • Up to 20,000: $3,000
  • Up to 30,000: $3,500
  • Up to 45,000: $4,500
  • More than 45,000: $5,000

10% discount is available for multi-year contracts. 

Frequently Asked Quest​ions

University Administrators

As an administrator, you can start a 1-semester free trial in order to unlock the power of Free Food Alert for your entire university community.

Implementing Free Food Alert at your university is extremely simple! 

Here are the steps to start your 1-semester free trial:

  1. Complete the Program Overview eLearning Course: Watch the short, interactive videos in order to learn everything you need to know about the program. (60 minutes)
  2. Complete the Getting Started Survey to official request a 1-semester free trial. (30 minutes)
    1. Somebody from our team will be in touch to schedule your admin training after you complete the survey.
  3. Attend the Admin Training to learn about the key responsabilities of an admin and learn how to use the backend features of Free Food Alert. (60 minutes)

And voila, that's it!  ✨

After the admin training you will be fully ramped up and ready to start marketing for Free Food Alert on campus.

There are no speical conditions for the 1-semester free trial. 100% of all the Free Food Alert features are available with zero restricitons or ommissions. You can test the entire platform for an entire semester and then decide if you'd like to proceed with a full, paid membership at the end of the semester. If you choose to stop at the end of the free trial there are no penalties or fees.

The cost of a Free Food Alert membership depends on the size of your university. Pricing information is available at the bottom of the Membership page.

Yes. Contact Us to learn more about the Free Food Alert Enterprise Edition.

After an alert is sent out by the giveaway host, community members will have between 15 and 60 minutes to collect the free food. Members should bring their own reusable container to collect the food.

The number of people benefiting from a free food distribution depends on many factors, such as the number of subscribers enrolled at a university, the type of food available, and the duration of the distribution.

The quality and safety of the food distributed is the responsibility of the event organizer, who sends out the alert and manages the giveaway event. While no campus event with food can be risk-free, Free Food Alert has a track record of over 350 giveaways without a single food safety incident.

Yes, Admins have full control over who is approved to send out alerts. Anybody from your university can complete the in-platform "Hosting Training" eLearning course in order to apply to become a Host who can send out alerts. However, each application must be reviewed and approved by an admin before the user is approved to send out alerts. 

Some universities choose to allow all users (faculty, staff, and students) to send out alerts while other universities restrict this feature to send alerts to only a subset of users (like official faculty and staff, for example).

Yes, the "Host Training" can be customized by admins to ensure it meets the requirements required for their university. Admins are completely autonomous to make the updates required as they see fit. The Free Food Alert team is available to help when & if necessary.

Sign up for a 1-Semester Free Trial

Discover more about how you can make an impact with Free Food Alert by completing our Program Overview eLearning Course .